Realising her unbounded, inexhaustible and imperishable potentialities, the
entire Devaganas inclusive of the Trimurtis extended unqualified praise and
surrendered them selves at, her holy lotus feet for eternal safety.
A deep
probe enlightens further-in the early stage of man's life i.e., nomadic stage,
he worshipped the objects that tried and aimed at his annihilation. 'Survival of
the fillets' lesson taught him the use of arms. In the second phase, when
settled down at places congenial for happy and prosperous living, he recognised
the might of super natural powers. Amongst them Sri Sakti was given importance.
And learnt by instructions that by winning over them alone, his existence was
possible. Theistic instincts thus inaugurated received impetus step by step till
his realisation that Mother was the source of creative energy and cause of
cosmos and its preservation and destruction. And, she emerged from AUM, the
premordial power, so was called appropriately Omkaraswarupini. When society
enlarged into villages which in turn into towns and cities regular worship to
the divine energy with ritualistic payers services came into existence,
introduced by sage-seers.