Gradations did exist to carry on all activities
of governing the universes. Her word was final, no retraction or flexibility
ever saw their shadows even. The purity of her person and continence of
character are pure specimens to the woman hood to be profited by. The vestal
modesty and all-commendable virginity of her attendants elude description. Males
or their emotional exposures or physical exuberance never entered her land. None
knew or seen males. Their entry was banned, nor their pictorial forms too made
their appearance. Even Devendra or Trimurtis were metamorphosing themselves into
females on stepping into her sacrosanct land, when visited either to seeking her
counsel, or on courtesy calls. Her sovereignty over the cosmos was incomparably
immense and supremely dignified.
with such might and majesty, taking both maleficent and beneficent forms
numberless and names countless. She suppressed and destroyed asura sakti
together with demonical perverted nature of her own creations-humans. She caused
potent trimurtis, pancha matrikas, Dasajaganmatas Chatushasti yogini's and 108
Srimurtis as and when exigency demanded, and due occasion warranted.