standing against such unfavourable conditions, if one ventures to
print again 1000 copies, means, he must be either insane or artless,
bliss less individual. I belong to that group: for, my passion for
national integration and unification of divergent elements is
irrepressible and inexhaustible. And I believe firmly; uphold
consistently; advocate vigorously and repeat vociferously the
dictum-temples are the citadels of our rich heritage, centres of
national integration, cradles of culture, forums of conscience,
meeting places of intelligentsia and nerve centres of spiritualism.
Any doubt? Be sure, they are built and maintained by the highly
evolved souls for the specific purpose of ushering in the ideal
Sarve samasta sanmangalani bhavanthu-welfare of the animate and
inanimate world with the abundant anugrah of that Omnipresent, Omni
benevolent Almighty Providence, who as installed with the Potent
powers of mantra, tantra and yantra is seeing us unseen, and
directing and the Jagannataka to turn life tragic into comic. That
conviction fuelled me for onward journey, and I am on the way.