that spare a minute to redeem my indebtedness to certain individuals
and institutions, that helped me to help you in acquainting all
about the temples. Of the many, the Experts Committee of TTD comes
first, without whose munificence, neither the printing, nor the
writing of this is materialized. Drawing sustenance on the
encouragement given hitherto, I proceeded working on this, and the
Committee headed by the highly cultured Executive Officer, blessed
with a great fund of rare scholarship, superb literary taste,
inimitable religiocity coupled with magnanimity extended all
possible help to fulfill my ambition of taking you to the sacred feet
of divinities for the blessings of a life of grace here down below
and peace up above. I join my hands now. Sri. K. Subba Rao, M.A.,
Editor, Saptagiri, with his unusual adorable tranquility endured my
continued approaches for light, merits mention here. He is
responsible for clearing the backlog, giving precedence to this,
submitted long back along with another, I bow to him again and again.