The Aalayas of Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


In the next life he was born as a spider and lived among the branches of a banyan tree nearby the temple in this kshetra. He was endowed with Bhakthi  instincts, due to gifting of cloth to that Saivate devotee in his past life, and he knew it in full. So, to expiating the sins of past life, he begun worshipping the Sivalinga by adorning it with beautiful web made of the threads coming from the stomach. Besides regular mental devotion, this weaving of excellent web around Siva linga making it resemble the abode of Lord Maheswar in Kailas went on for long. The Lord was much pleased with its tenacity and decided to put it to test. He caused the beautiful web burnt away one day. Unable to extinguish the fire, and failing to safeguard its handicraft, it immolated at once. Pleased with its bhakti, the Lord granted speech and original shape to it. Before merging with the Lord-Sayujya mukti, it requested the Lord to name the place after him. It was granted. Hence the addition of Sri to Kalahasti.

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About Srikalahasti
The Episode of Sri..Pg1
You are Here! The Episode of Sri..Pg2
Kala And Hasti..Pg1
Kala And Hasti..Pg2
Kala And Hasti..Pg3
Kannappa Nayanar..Pg1
Kannappa Nayanar..Pg2
Kannappa Nayanar..Pg3
Siva Panchakashari..Pg1
Siva Panchakashari..Pg2
Siva Panchakashari..Pg3
Holy Places 
Swarnamukhi River
The Temple..Pg1
The Temple..Pg2