temple celebrates many festivals. Among them, the 13-day Ashtami festival
falling in the month of Vrischikam is given utmost importance. It attracts lacks
of Bhaktas from all parts, as it is the Vaikkathappan's dear most, auspicious
festivals. As Ashtami falls on the 12th day and the Arattu on the 13th day these
too have a great pull, when general rejoicing and display of devotion reach the
zenith. Elephant processions, Kalakshepams, dance and drama with colour and
sound entertain the devotees round the clock. Public feeding touches new height
The 12th day is specially auspicious for the
Darshan of the Adidampatis;
for, it was on this sacred day, Vyagrapada Maharshi was blessed with their Darshan. So devotees overflow the vast courtyards from the early morning hour.