past embodying a divine glow and spiritual eminence begins in the Tretayuga.
Khara is the protagonist in the great drama played here. Me was a danava,
holding a formidable post in the kingdom of Lanka, ruled by wicked Ravanabrahma,
who lent ineffable charm to the great epic Ramayana. But Khara was different
from his earthly boss. Being an ardent Sivabhakta of extraordinary theistic
leanings, he travelled all the way to Chidambaram to propitiating Nataraja - the
All compassionate Cosmic
When his austerities and deep penance pleased the Lord most, he granted
the boons asked for, besides blessing him with three rare resplendent
Sivalingas. When transporting posed a problem to him, he adopted a novel, yet
pious method - carried two lingas, one each hand, and the third one in mouth! An
arduous task indeed. As he held them thus in his aerial flight for long, he grew
tired and desired rest for a while.