it is here Vyagrapada emancipated an
Yakshi harassing the locals during her nocturnal rounds; it is here Lord
Parameswar acted as a drummer to help a helpless woman supplicant during the
Utsavabali, an annual festival; it is to this Mulavirat, the Udayanapuram temple
deity Subrahmanya comes in procession to pay obeisance every year; it is this
Lord, who developed a particular preference for Sahasrakalasa puja, the
costliest of sevas spreading over 10 days; it is here the redoubtable
Manikyavachakar was taught a lesson by Lord Siva in changing his horses into
dogs for using temple campus for his personal gain; it is here the Lord reveals
himself in three aspects Dakshinamurthi - bestowed of wisdom, Kirata, the famous
hunter and Satchidananda Lord of bliss and what is more, it is here orthodoxy
with its bigotry took deep roots that ultimately turned out to be the standing
example of Brahmin domination, or a byword for orthodoxy.
for such peerless distinctive features, fortified by divine associations,
visited .by poet-saints and saint-seers; worshipped by the incarnated
Mahapurushas, patronized by eminent rulers and glorified for feeding
Brahmins on
large scale for yeast this mokshapuri praised as Dakshinakali entered the
archives and occupied a significant place as the strong hold of orthodoxy,
simple and perfect.