The scrupulous attention he
paid to administrative affairs being flawless, generation of priests implemented
all that the ordained to the very letter of every tenet. But later sectarianism
and dogmatism entered the body politic of the temple management and gnawed at
the vitals of noble traditions. And when bigotry assumed its unethical hideous
shape, reformers entered the arena and succeeded in cutting it to correct size.
unprecedented clamor for admission of Harijans into this temple stands a sure
index of the degeneration entrenched in the temple management, and it signifies
rightly the public apathy for the orthodox Brahmins that aimed at glorification
and perpetuation of the ill- gotten power. Alas! it ended in its nullification.
Total and permanent.
Does God close his eyes for ever? The stone God may, but the living God being
ever awake, administers justice at the right time, when wrongs get righted. This
natural phenomenon occurred here when Harijan entry into the temple in the
agitation started during 1924-25 AD.