comes the part played by Vyagrapada Maharshi. The handing of Sivalinga by Khara
was indeed a befitting reward to-his exemplary devotion - soaked earthly'
existence. Considering Khara's solicitation as a bolt from the blue, he
worshipped the Lord with redoubled ardour day in and day out, and set models to
dedicated life. So he was held in high esteem both by Munikulam and janakoti.
Belief gained currency that it was MOTHER
Parvathi, when thoroughly satisfied
with his ennobling spiritual life, gave Him Darshan
first under a peepal tree. He availed that divine spectacle on the auspicious
Ashtami in the dark fortnight of the Vrischika masa falling in Nov-Dec, and as
such it is given special sanctity and the spot too is elevated to the pinnacle.
The craze for the Darshan of it is great, Bhaktas reach the temple precincts
quite early and await that auspicious early hour with utmost devotion. Due to
habitation of Vyagrapada muni for a pretty long time and his bhakti being
people called the place after him - Vyagrapadapuram, or Vyagrapuri. In short it
become very popular as Vaikom.