The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India


If all the aforesaid scriptural truths are scriptural truths are set aside deliberately and insolently, the only support left for us is history. It is neither a parable, nor a fable, but the data-wise representation of the past events, codified and collect, preserved and defended with solid truths and unadulterated facts by men, whose objectivity is praise-worthy and ambition, worthy of emulation. And so their words pass for gospel truths.

The following pages embody some truths preserved in archives in the form of Gazettes, reports, orders, notices etc., Although I strove to furnish full data, like the dates and facts of the events, but could not; for, some of the events took place some hundreds of years back, and the then authority cared little to hand them over to the posterity. Moreover, the reorganization states effected change of places of the archives and personnel in charge also. To add to this, lack of necessary techniques for preservation resulted in the disappearance of valuable documents. Hence, certainty regarding dates and the like have not been given. But almost all of them were published in periodicals and received public approbation awe-some. l accepted them they are secondary; for, my efforts to obtain authentic facts failed me miserably. journeying hundreds of miles to the state capitals to visiting archives time many did not bear fruit.

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