seeing with mental eye the scenes of horror, reverberating with
lamentation of the sufferers, I then thought that it is imperative
to look at the things dispassionately and objectively. Does not fair
verdict rest on fairer observation of both reverse and obverse of
the coin that argument is, and fairest it turns out, if the
circumstances leading to such calamities arc given due weight. So
let us examine things point by point. The atheists which term
includes all those who oppose deism and theism do not believe in
God, of supernatural agency.
As they rely on sense organs,
they want the theists to show to them God in flesh, and blood, in
His splendour as described tier a face to face dialogue. And hear
His words. Like scientists, they demand diIitmus paper' results in
all exactitude at it. Nothing less, nor more. In the absence of such
proof, they hesitate not deriding the believers, denigrating the
objects of worship and finally demolishing the shrines installed
with image, luring the credulous. Making the Brahmins as their
target is understandable; for, they are the primary cause for the
thriving of theism in the beginning. It is a fact that
being learned and vest ed with unlimited sway over spiritual
affairs, they monopolized religion and shamelessly paved way for its
extinction, by abusing the power and the sacred lore, by crafty
manipulation and brazen subversion undoubtedly. Hasn't this given
rise to Jainism and Buddhism in the past? History embodies the havoc
they wrought on the spiritualism.
Certain they are responsible for
the fall of religious values and decadence permeating that whole
region. But not the whole community is instrumental for such sorry
state of things. The malefactors and the chief villains should be stigmatized
and punished, but not with demolishing of their houses
and divesting them of the honour by nefarious means and unfair ways. It is neither legal,
commendable. Is it wise to set
fire to the house to rid of rat menace?