The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Here one may be tempted to ask - "How about the cases of some sages claiming the vision of God? Were they really blessed with the grace of His darsan? Are their words true? Answer - No doubt they feasted their eyes with the vision of God and enjoyed face to face encounter with HIM. "When" is to be answered now. It is only after intense spiritual sadhana, backed by equally intense austerity and unflinching faith in that Highest Him, they succeeded in the acquisition of spiritual eye. It alone enabled them to see God. It might have taken tears as in the case of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, or a matter of a short span of time in the case of legendary Bhagavathothama Prahlad. 

Another factor demanding attention is - there should be absolute untainted, physical, mental and intellectual purity on the part of aspirant. If this condition is fulfilled, God, the Ultimate Reality can be realised. To the question "Where to seek?", saint-seers located the place - "Behold! the kingdom of Go, is within you". Hundreds of
examples of the liberated with these requisites can be gleaned from the legends authored by the divine saint-seers. And they visualise graphically the struggles and successes faced by the emancipated. They at the end, turned pole-stars and are illumining the path for others.

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