that he was not a match to the potentates at that point of time and
to rejunevate the depressed spirits he spent ten torturous days
here, but whole-heartedly involved himself in the devotional
activities, particularly offering mane prayer services to both
Mother Bramarambika
and Lord Mallikarjunaswamy. Alas! frustration went on mounting; as
no light was sighted, nor future appeared bright. The only
consolation he derived then was his observation of the exquisiteness
of the Nature's bounteous beauty and its myriad charms manifested in
lofty peaks, gliding rivers, silver cascades, lovely dales
exuberant with the luxuriant growth of colourful verdure. The
eternal dazzle of colours panorama observed from high mounts moved
him most. To add to this, the spiritual atmosphere thrilled him to
the last by penetrating into his marrow. He spent hours looking and
imbibing the Natures external intrinsic loveliness. And at times he
was turning himself oblivious of the environs. But his brooding
spirits were never revived, nor hopes future prosperity glimmered
anywhere in the horizon. Ten days intensive devotional activity
atlast ended in his firm resolve to leave this world and reach the
lotus feet of the Divinities. And thought he then that the world
possessed no other purer and holier spot than this to die in. So he
raised his sword to cut off his head before the goddess Bramarambika.