he forget that moment?' Nay. Seeing the efflugent light illumining
his whole dark, dismal life, he at once started in token of his
gratitude construction of a tall, majestic tower to the Mothers
temple and other monumental works like steps to Neela ganga and a
Dhyana Mandir. The present Northern gopuram stands speaking at its
highest pitch his matchless endowment, and declaring his fame to the
worlds fourteen by its eminence and immanence. This event is
recorded with utmost objectivity and untainted bias by the greatest
historians like Judanath Sarkar and it is trusted, utilized for all
research purposes as gospel truth. But, for the agnostics it is a
travesty of truth. For, they are highly enlightened honourable men.
And each like Mr. Know-All criticizes the God-fearing spineless
theist, his own fellow-men.