It seems, it
is there an initio and goes on ad infinitum, or at least to the zero hour of
Mahapralana-the great deluge.
could the lost ground be retrieved? Should it be allowed to continue? Does this
not reflect the impotency of the subjugated? How could equality be restored?
Will not this inequality remain a slur on creation? Doesn't this sort of
condition label Lord Maheswar as a hollow boaster, who concealed his cowardice
in a crafty diction? "No, No, No, the argument is not right to the
"least point", bawl out Sakteyas. There is neither a loop-hole, nor
did he give it a white wash. It establishes that Sakti gets her rightful place,
if only it asserts and avows her powers. And establishes her rights in addition
to exhibiting her possessiveness and continuing her perseverance till the end.
She must assume dreadful form, display ferocity and hold on to pugnacity
together with endorsing cruelty to achieving her objective. That is through
Roudra alone, the injustice done can be rooted out; for, the submissiveness
fails to get its post on due at any time in this decadent society. This truth is
represented by Mother Kali at Calcutta; and her tamasic puja, perhaps, is
deliberately introduced with a view to righting the wrong. Her 'roudrarupa'
though asserted as a retaliatory measure during the battle against Mahishasura,
she retains it to strike terror into those, who disregard, or a mind to deride