The Temples Of North-East India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Prime seat of Sakteism

The unexpected happened-the insolent Daksha hurled a volley of derogatory words against Sati for coming uninvited, and also Siva, since she demanded explanation as how such yagna would be performed without the presence of the right person as Lord Siva. When humiliation meted out touched the nadir, Sati with streaming eyes and fluttering frame burnt herself in Yogagni. When informed of the gruesome ending, Lord Siva sent Virabhadra, producing him from his matted lock to destroy the yagnasala along with Yagnakartha-Daksha. In minutes the whole area was found littered with corpses. In the pandemonium prevailed, the gods ran in great panic. Not satisfied, Lord Siva himself descended straight and started Tandavanritya With Sati's corpse on his shoulder, when the whole universe was heading towards total extinction. Then came Lord Mahavishnu and dexterously cut the Sati s dead body into several parts with his potent Sudarsan Chakra. The parts that came off fell at different places of the Punya Bharat. And when Lord Siva regained his mental poise, he made every spot a Saktipitha. Devotees thenceforth started offering prayers to mother Sakthi by building fitting shrines. Among the 108 such sacred spots, Calcutta is one among them, where Mother Sati's four toe fingers of the right foot fell. In course of time, it regained reputation as a great Saktipitha, due to the tireless activity of Roy Choudrys of Barisa distinct of 24 Parganas. Sakti Upasana thus started spread to whole of Bharat Khanda, but Bengal evinced keen interest in making it grow into a great cult of global importance.

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About Kali Ma of Culcutta
The Seat Of Kali Ma.Pg1
The Seat Of Kali Ma.Pg2
The Sakthi Upasana......Pg1
The Sakthi Upasana......Pg2
The Origin Of The......Pg1
You are Here! The Origin Of The......Pg2
The Emergence...Pg1
The Emergence...Pg2
The Emergence...Pg3
The Origin Of Name.Pg1
The Origin Of Name.Pg2
The Temple
Pujas And Festivals