the intellectual luminosity of the Bengalees is of a special kind and stands
apart form its counter-parts, its contribution to the nation's reputation is
quite outstanding, and many great sons of Bengal achieved remarkable progress in
religion. Their innovative dynamism and reformatory zeal established several
hoary institutions and noble traditions. Among them, Sakti puja is highly
laudable and it is knitting the class and mass into an unbroken entity. It has a
great past and originated in the distant past. Tantric literature envisages a
complete picture of Sakti Upasana right from the Vedic age. Many eminent
Tantrikas have realised ten Mahavidyas, like Kali, Tara, Shorashi, Bhuvaneswari,
Bharavi, Chinna Masta, Dhumavati, Bangala, Mantangi and Kamala. And of them Kali
is supreme. The word Sakti is 'derived from the root "sakt' means thereby
'to be able to do'. Sakti normally stands for female, but it is neither male or
female, but only a force and manifests in rational form. Mother worship
tantamounts to worship of the highest divinity as the MOTHER-Sri Mata. In Sakti
worship, Siva is impersonal and inactive. But Siva and Sakti are interrelated as
prakrit and purusha and they are inseparable. They are two in one, and not one
in two forms. Sakti is really para tatwa-Satchi dananda swarupini. Siva Sakti in
his ultimate state is calm and motionless. Both together, they become active
only in one form. Motion and action start then, manifesting in vibration. It is
described in their literature that Kali is of eight kinds, like Dakshina Kali,
Bhadra Kali etc.