The Temples Of North-East India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Abode of Lord Jagannath


The Ratha Yatra - the annual car festival is another notable factor for the world-wide popularity of the temple. It is held in the month of Aashad in such a grandiose and splendiferous manner that history has not so far produced any parallel to it, in matters of popularity, sanctity, immensity and sublimity. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the three Moola Vigrahas are taken in procession in three separate and well decorated gigantic cars from the Main Temple to Gundicha Mandir, lying at a distance of about two kilometers. The belief is current that he who stays here for three days and nights is freed from the cycle of birth and deaths. Its history is vast, and sanctity, defies description. Of the three, the Jagannath chariot is superb. It is 45 feet in height and elegant with soul filling's decorations. It is supported by 16 wheels and as many as 2 lack people participate in it. It commemorates Lord Krishna's journey from Gokulam to Mathura. The deities remain there for a week. Millions from all over India avail this unique sight. There is a great craze for touching and tugging the car; for, it is considered as an act of emancipation by the orthodox Indians. 

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About Puri
You are Here! The Ratha Yatra.Pg1
The Ratha Yatra.Pg2
Its Antiquity
Vudayana Episode
Indradryumna Episode.Pg1
Indradryumna Episode.Pg2
The Main Temple....Pg1
The Main Temple....Pg2
The Archamurthis.Pg1
The Archamurthis.Pg2
Mini Shrines Around.....
Kalpa Vriksha
Other Sacred Places....Pg1
Other Sacred Places....Pg2