by the divinity pervading the Krishnaranya, there came down once a
sage by name Kalava and built an asram on the banks of Krishnabhadra
to live permanently with like-minds and his family. Following the
austerities, he lived at peace with the sublime surroundings, but
was not allowed to be at peace with mind; for, a formidable demon by
name Patalakethu, who on obtaining unattainable boons from Brahma
started invading the asram from time to time and causing
insurmountable grief to the asramites; for, he was a cannibal
killing all only for eating.
Terrified at his abominable acts,
Kalava along with his min ran to the temple and falling at the feet
of the Lord implored him for Abhayam. When the Lord pitying assured
them protection from the onslaughts of the demon; they returned
home. But to their great
consternation, there came then again Patalakethu their Yama with
redoubled ardour and pent up indignation.