not the world go on? Should there not be at least a little desire, a
little anger?" There is already plenty of desire and anger, my
brothers, a great deal more than you need. Then why do you confuse
your minds needlessly? There is a grain of two more of desire, anger
and greed than you wish for. Do not worry yourself that the human
race will come to an end when desire dies.
No matter how many children you
produce, a day will come when the very name of man will disappear
from the earth. The scientists say so. The earth is slowly getting
colder. At one time the earth was excessively hot. Then there were
no living creatures on it. Life had not been born. A time will come
hereafter when the earth will become excessively cold and all life
will perish. This may take millions of years. No matter how prolific
you are, that final dissolution is certain.
The avataras of the Lord are
for the preservation of dharma, not for preservation of
numbers. As long as there is one man devoted to dharma, one
man who is afraid of sin and steadfast in truth, there is no cause
for worry. The Lord will take care of him. Whether thousands of
people are alive or dead makes no difference when their dharma
is dead. |