Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
5. Kurukshetra is both outside us and within us. When we observe it carefully, it is the battle raging within that we see assuming shape in the world without. He who seems to be my enemy is only the passion in my heart taking on a shape and standing out there. Just as my image, handsome or ugly, appears in the mirror, it is the bad and good thoughts of our mind that appear without as our enemies and friends.

As we see in dreams what we have seen while awake, so we see in the world without what is in our hearts. Between the battle within and the battle without, there is little difference. To speak the truth, the real battle is only within ourselves.

6. Within us there are good qualities on one side and bad ones on the other. And both armies are well arranged. An army needs a commander. The good qualities have their own commander named "abhaya," fearlessness. Fearlessness has been given the first place in this Chapter. This is not mere accident, but deliberate.

Without truth good qualities have no value; but then, for truth, fearlessness is essential. In an atmosphere charged with fear, good qualities cannot grow; in fact they become themselves bad qualities, and good efforts and tendencies get weakened. Fearlessness is the commander of all good qualities; but the army has to be watched front and rear, on both sides. The direct attack will, of course, be in front, but one may also be stealthily set upon from behind.

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About A Supplement 
The dawn of Purushottama.Pg1
The dawn of Purushottama.Pg2
The dawn of Purushottama.Pg3
The armies of violence....Pg1
The armies of violence....Pg2
The armies of violence....Pg3
The armies of violence....Pg4
The growth of ahimsa....Pg1
The growth of ahimsa....Pg2
The growth of ahimsa....Pg3
The growth of ahimsa....Pg4
The growth of ahimsa....Pg5
A great experiment....Pg1
A great experiment....Pg2
The three asurik ....Pg1
The three asurik ....Pg2
The three asurik ....Pg3
The three asurik ....Pg4
Self-control, the way ....Pg1
Self-control, the way ....Pg2
Self-control, the way ....Pg3
Self-control, the way ....Pg4