Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
24. There is joy in standing on the shore and watching from afar the surge of the sea of samsara. But what joy is there in the sea for the man who is drowning in it, with his eyes and nose full of water? The saints stand on the shore and enjoy the sight of the sea. Unless we bring into our lives this saintly attitude of remaining aloof from samsara, we can have no joy. Be like the lotus-leaf, and let the water roll off you.

The Buddha has said, "The saints stand on the summit of the hill, and look down at samsara and find it trivial." If you, too, climb to the top and look down, this vast expanse would appear trivial. And your mind will not be drawn to samsara.
The Lord, in this Chapter, exhorts us to give up the demonic and acquire the divine qualities. Come, let us make the effort.


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About A Supplement 
The dawn of Purushottama.Pg1
The dawn of Purushottama.Pg2
The dawn of Purushottama.Pg3
The armies of violence....Pg1
The armies of violence....Pg2
The armies of violence....Pg3
The armies of violence....Pg4
The growth of ahimsa....Pg1
The growth of ahimsa....Pg2
The growth of ahimsa....Pg3
The growth of ahimsa....Pg4
The growth of ahimsa....Pg5
A great experiment....Pg1
A great experiment....Pg2
The three asurik ....Pg1
The three asurik ....Pg2
The three asurik ....Pg3
The three asurik ....Pg4
Self-control, the way ....Pg1
Self-control, the way ....Pg2
Self-control, the way ....Pg3
Self-control, the way ....Pg4