Any action performed with this bhavana, that is, feeling that it is
God's work, becomes sacrament; this has been tasted by experience.
Assume for a while that a visitor to your house is the Lord Himself.
When, in the ordinary course, a distinguished guest is expected in
our house, how we clean and polish and what a grand feast do we
prepare! But if we think that the Lord Himself is the guest, would
it not make a vast difference to our feelings? Kabir was busy at his
loom; he was absorbed in his work and sang;
"jhiini jhiini bini
He forgot himself as if he were weaving
a chaddar for the Lord. The rishi of the Rigveda says :-
vastreva bhadraa sukritaa
I offer this, my hymn, like a garment
woven well by lovely hands to the Lord. The poet composes his songs
for the Lord's sake. And he who spins and weaves cloth, he too does
it for the Lord's sake. Here is a thought to touch the heart, to
purify, and exhilarate. Once this bhavana comes into our life, how
flawless would our days become! When the light flashes in darkness,
does not the darkness disappear instantaneously? Is it destroyed