It is old fuel that burns to
ashes soon.
No sin can stand near Ramanaama. Do not children say that ghosts
vanish when you say 'Rama'? When I was young, we used to challenge
each other to go to the burning ground at dead of night and drive in
a peg there. There would be snakes and thorns on the way, and
darkness all round, but nothing daunted me. No ghost ever appeared.
Ghosts are creations of the mind, why then would we see them? Where
did the boy of ten gain the courage to visit the cremation ground?
From Ramanaama. This is the glory of the Lord who is the image of
truth. If you have the bhavana that the Lord is always by your side,
then you, His servant, will know no fear even if the whole world
turns upside down.
Which demon can eat you up? The demon
may eat and digest your body, but not the truth. There is no power
on earth that can destroy truth. Not for a moment can sin stand
before the name of the Lord. Therefore turn your heart towards God.
Attain His grace. Dedicate all actions to Him. Become altogether
His. If you strengthen the bhavana that all actions should be
offered up to the Lord, this sordid life will become divine, the
commonplace will become beautiful.