The easy way
4. The Gita is the essence of the Vedic
dharma, that is, the way of life derived from the Vedas. The Vedas
are considered to be older than all the other Scriptures in the
world. That is why enthusiasts call them "anaadi," without
beginning. Thus the Vedas are accorded special reverence. Even if we
approach them from the historical point of view, they are the most
ancient expression of the earliest experiences of our race. These
literary records are more valuable than copper-plates, stone
inscriptions, coins, vessels and the remains of the animals. The
earliest historical evidence in the world is provided by the Vedas.
The dharma which was but a seed in
the Vedas grew and became a tree and yielded at last the sweet fruit
of the Gita. What else but the fruit of the tree can we eat? It is
only when the tree yields fruit that we get something to eat. The
Gita is the twice-distilled essence of the Vedic dharma.
5. In this Vedic dharma, which has
grown from the most ancient times, are mentioned various yogas and
yajnas, rites and rituals, many penances and practices. These are
not useless, but require a fitness in the doer. To acquire this was
not easy for everyone. Who is to climb up the tall coconut tree,
pluck the fruit, remove the fiber, break it and get at the kernel?