51. Yajnavalkya I. 75.
52. Vishnu Sam. XXV. 14.
53. Bri. Sam. XXIV. 11.
54. Parasara Samhita, Prayaschitta Kandam, Verses 30.
55. Parasara Samhita-Prayaschitta Kandam verse 31.
56. Manu Samhita V.160.
57. Parasara Samhita, Prayaschitta Kandam, Verses 32, 33.
58. Yajnavalkya Smrti-Acharadhyaya-Vivahakandam Verse 86.
(Nirnayasagara Press).
59. Manu Sam. V.157.
60. Manu IX. 76.
61. The laws of Manu S.B.E. Intro. CVII.
62. Kadambari: Edited by Kasinath pandurang Parab (Nirnayasagara Press
1890)-Purva-bhaga pp.338-9.
63. Progress report of the Archeological Survey of I., W.C. 1906-7,
P.35, and para 33. D.R.Bhandarkar's List of the inscriptions of Northern India, No.39, and
Epig. Ind. Vol.19.
64. P.R.A.S.; W.C., 1906-7, page 37, para 37.
65. Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir, Canto V. 226-7.
66. Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir, Canto VII. 481.
67. Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir, Canto VII. 724.
68. Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir, Canto VII.1488-90.
69. Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir, Canto VIII, 1440.
70. Epigraphica Carnatika, Vol. VII.