Aspects Of Our Religion
Major Sections


Even a little wisdom helps us to see things their proper perspective.  It is not uncommon to see certain people treat their own sufferings and sorrows lightly. 

When sympathized with in their affliction, they say:  'Oh, it is nothing; it is all God's sankalpa.'   They exhibit patience and peace, which helps them to bear their sufferings with cheer and fortitude.  Time is a great healer. The agonies of today pale into nothingness after a lapse of years.  When he has to face present suffering, the jnaani looks on it with a mind of thirty years hence and laughs at it.  By that', suffering loses its sting for him.

He cultivates a detachment like unto that which an ordinary mans generally exhibits for the sufferings of a man in another part of the globe.   The jnaani separates himself at present from his suffering by such a distance both of time and place.

In our scheme, the guru is equated with God.  It is said:

"Yasya deve paraa bhaktih yathaa deve tathaa gurau

tasyaite kathitahyartthaah prakaasante mahaatmanah."

To him who has devotion to God and a like devotion to his guru, to him all that is said (and also all that is not said),
kathitahyartthaah (and akathitahyartthah), become clear in his mind.

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About The Spiritual Path
Karmaanush- thana- Introduction
Karmaanush- thana - Pg1
Karmaanush- thana - Pg2
Karmaanush- thana - Pg3
Karmaanush- thana - Pg4
Karmaanush- thana  - Pg5
Karmaanush- thana - Pg6
Devotion To God - Pg1
Devotion To God - Pg2
Devotion To God - Pg3
Devotion To God - Pg4
Devotion To God - Pg5
Devotion To God - Pg6
Devotion To God - Pg7
Aquisition of Jnaana - Pg1
You are Here! Aquisition of Jnaana - Pg2
Aquisition of Jnaana - Pg3