Yet, almost
every citizen of those States is a Christian or belongs to some other faith equally
opposed to inequality and exploitation. The anti-spiritual significance of the hypocrisy
generated by such contradictions is tremendous. Civilization must crumble corroded by this
contradiction if nothing is done to avert the catastrophe. It may be argued that this is an exagge- ration, that there are many individuals
who are faithful to professions and who continually protest against the misuse of wealth
and power. A great deal of dissent is no doubt honestly and bravely expressed in every
country against the neglect of religious principles.
Even war in just causes is opposed and the volume of
pacifist literature may be considered as standing proof of the validity of this plea. But
this dissent of individuals is allowed to he expressed only because it does not materially
interfere with the existing order. It even serves in its own way as an ally of the
dominant hypocrisy, for by providing a vent and an escape for guilty conscience, it
relieves the pressure and allows the crime to continue. |