Hinduism Doctrine And Way Of Life
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


We have no doubt got on for a good length of time on this wasteful plan of life. But, is it good or wise to continue thus? The problems we have to face are increasing in difficulty and the disadvantages of error increase in accelerated ratio with the size and number of the difficulties we have to overcome. What did not materially affect the position when the problems were simple assumes tremendous proportions when they have grown bigger and become more complex.

The laws of nature that we have come to know, the philosophy we believe in, the statecraft that we practise should all be made to accord and harmonize with one an other if we hope successfully to face the problems that confront us in the present most complicated world. Have we a real belief in truth? This is the vital question.

If we have that belief then we must summon the needed courage and act. Previous generations had simpler problems, but it must be admitted that they grappled with them more courageously and with a greater spirit of adventure than we seem inclined to show in tackling our more difficult problems. 

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