This weakness
is unfortunate, whatever the causes. We should not, however, despair but, drawing
inspiration from our forebears, summon all the spirit we can command, to restore basic
harmony of thought and to make all necessary modifications in our fundamental beliefs and
axioms for that purpose. When our minds dwell on
scientific research and studies. We implicitly accept certain truths. It is a mistake to
believe that by a mental fiat these accepted axioms can be dismissed and forgotten when we
deal with God and the things of religion. Neither truth nor the human mind is so docile as
to submit to such unnatural repression.
But does it not look as if we have accomplished this
successfully during all these years of steady scientific progress? The explanation is that
faith divorced from truth has been come hypocrisy, and the achievement of the impossible
was only a delusion of the mind. Two contrary faiths could not possibly remain as faiths
and secure the allegiance of the mind. The one or the other must have deteriorated and
changed its real substance while masquerading, as faith. |