As a result,
the maladjustment is at present much more serious and the mischief tremendous. The
contradiction between religion and politics is greater than the divergence between
religion and science. It is indeed a miracle that earnest Christians preserve both
their faith and their psychological health under the conditions of current national and
international activities. The State permits aids and
abets the wholesale infringement of what is daily read and formally taught as the word of
Christ. Yet, almost all the citizens of the State profess religion and believe themselves
to be Christians. They duly celebrate Christian rites and festivals. The reign of relent
less private competition, the right to make maximum private profit at the expense of
others and the exploitation of every advantage got by accident or acquired by enterprise,
so that the differences between man and man may grow in geometric progression, are all
plain denials of Christ.
For the execution of deep-laid plans based on the so-called
fundamental right to private competition, gigantic corporations equal in respectability to
the Church and far richer, grander and more awe-inspiring than the Churchs most
impressive manifestations are established tinder the authority and protection of
democratic States. |