It is better
for one to do even imperfectly the duties that fall to ones lot, than to do those of
others perfectly. If a man does the work that comes to him by birth, no blemish will
attach to it, whatever kind of work it may be. One should not abandon ones natural
duty, even if evils attach thereto; every human activity involves some evil as fire
carries smoke. He,whose mind is in every way detached, whose self is conquered, who
has freed himself from selfish longings, attains by dint of that detachment the attributes
attached to workless ness. -Gita XVIII 45 to 49 The very definite form in which the doctrine is enunciated that the proper
performance of ones allotted task is an act of worship in the most religious sense
of the term is worthy of note.
Yet, these very texts have lent themselves in the hands of
prejudiced critics to the interpretation that these verses are an apology for the
preservation of the privileges of the higher castes! Perversity and prejudice can convert
elixir into poison. Every statement in an ancient book should be interpreted in the
context of the then prevailing customs. |