It goes without
saying that spiritual values proposed as the basis of a sounder social organization must
not be an improvisation or an invention of expediency designed to
further material interest by cloaking it with sanctity. A spurious scheme of so-called
spiritual values to serve a sordid purpose would be a delusion if self-imposed, an
imposture if offered for acceptance.Honesty is the
best policy, but it is not as policy that honest conduct was made part or continues to be
part of every religion. Similarly, Vedanta is bound to help a regulated economy but it is
not for that reason that it was conceived or should beaccepted as a faith. It claims to
be accepted on its intrinsic appeal and worth.
If accepted, it will serve also the other purpose. Truth,
it may be repeated, is one and indivisible. Politics, religion and science cannot rest on
mutually contrary axioms nor can the mere expediency of any of them enable it to pass for
truth, unless it is true in the sense at least oil its presenting no vulnerable point for
attack by reason of inconsistency with established truths. |