Put in precise
words the claim is that a code of ethics and a system of values were evolved by Hindu
philosophers out of the religious philosophy known as Vedanta, which is not only
consistent with science, but is admirably suited to be a spiritual basis for the juster
and more stable social organization that good people all over the world desire and are
working for. The attempt everywhere has been to
bring about economic and social reorganization on the strength only of State authority. It
imposes a great strain on that authority, and is subject to inevitable flaws in execution.
It has also this defect of all repressive State
actions-that it is irksome to the citizen and creates a mental state unfavorable to
cooperation, whereas the furnishing of a code of spiritual values through religious faith
and practice would reduce the strain, minimize the flaws in execution and produce a
happier integration of thought and action which by itself would be a priceless gain and a
source of strength. |