Volume - X |
Culture Course |
Arriving at a place
called Takali near Nasik, he stayed there alone for twelve years, practising sadhana
through prayer, religious austerities self-discipline and meditation.
Narayana had no preparation for areligious life, He had no formal education. But he had
-the firm faith and the determination to live a religious life. All that he knew about
religion were learnt from the sayings and writings of saints like Jnaneswar, Eknath,
Tukaram and others and the puranic stories.
Wearing long hair and the barest of cloth, he went out into the nearby villages and lived
by the alms he got. You can see
his picture where he is clad in kaupina or the underwear, walking on wooden sandals,
holding a bamboo stick, with the jolna slung over his shoulder; marks of sandalpasteadorn
his forehead. Thus he lived a celibate life all through. |
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