At that time,
he also learnt obedience to elders, living with other students amicably and other
After completing his education, with the permission of the Guru, a Brahmachari married and
entered Grihastha-asrama.
Griha means house. The word Grihasta means one who has married and set up a home.
The girl one marries should be born of a good family and well behaved. She should be at
least six years younger. The man becomes a householder to perform the Dharmas belonging to
this state of life. The wife is called Dharma-patni.
It means she is a partner in the performance of Dharmas.
A Grihastha must live within his means. He must worship
God, the holy fire or Aupasana, rishis, his ancestors, feed guests, offer charity to the
needy and generally serve society. |