Brahmins appear in the Western media as rich landowners
oppressing their poor slave Shudras, right out of communist
propaganda stories. The world
mass media seldom considers any Hindu point of view. The Hindu sense
of animal protection is not looked at in ecological or animal rights
terms but as a primitive worship of cows. Though Hindus are the
third largest religion in the world, and the largest non-biblical
tradition, in many presentations of world religions Hindus are left
out or denigrated as polytheists, idolaters and animists.
universities in the West teach that Hinduism is not a religion at
all but a collection of cults mainly of a primitive nature. Such
schools teach that India as a nation was created by the British and
was otherwise just a collection of warring states with little in
Though India is the largest democracy
in the world and the second most populated country, it has no
permanent seat on the UN Security Council. In events of global
importance neither an Indian nor a Hindu point of view are given
consideration. In Bangladesh Hindus are under siege and frequently
have their property taken from them. In Pakistan Hindus have been
almost entirely eliminated. In neither country has there ever been
any prominent Hindu leaders or government officials.