Hindu culture, which managed to survive as the
predominant model in India even through a thousand years of
domination by first Islamic and then Christian influences, finds
itself under a new threat, less overt but perhaps for that very
reason more dangerous.
intelligentsia of India since independence has been self-righteously
anti-Hindu and naively accepting of Western ideologies, often merely
echoing or imitating the old colonial and missionary propaganda
against their own venerable religion that appears alien to these
disenfranchised souls. The result is that the ruling political
parties of India have done little to protect the dominant culture of
the country from media distortions but have in fact often encouraged
They have used anti-Hindu propaganda
projected through the media both in the West and in India to try to
keep Hindus suppressed and afraid of asserting themselves, so that
there is no Hindu challenge to their power. Hinduism continues under
siege and with little defense, particularly in this new
battleground. Even Hindu religious groups and leaders are often more
concerned about their own particular faction and seldom willing to
come to the defense of the culture as a whole.