It must also produce genuine
information expressing the truth of Sanatana Dharma, whether
relative to history, art, politics, religion or philosophy. This
means a new revival in the field of Hindu education, which is
perhaps the key factor.
Hindu intelligentsia must be willing to debate with other groups,
including exposing their distortions and wrongs beliefs, even if
someone might get offended by this. It must resurrect the tradition
of tarka or intellectual debate that makes the darshanas or
philosophies of Hinduism so significant.
It must create a forum in
which everything is critically examined so only truth remains. In
short, it must wield the sword of viveka or discrimination,
discerning the true from the false, and not bowing down to ignorance
The new intellectual Kshatriya must throw up an ethical
challenge, which is the challenge of Dharma, exposing the danger of
exclusivist religious cults, materialistic political philosophies,
and unchecked commercialism. The West throws its ethical challenge
to the world, criticizing other countries, including India, for a
lack of human rights. This requires a Hindu response, which is to
expose the West's promotion of arms sales, environmental
depredation, and projection of sensate materialism all over the