Clearly the Western voice of human rights is not truly Dharmic
but motivated by commercial and nationalistic interests. Hindus need
to create an ethical alternative to such questionable Western
humanitarianism and one that can absorb what is genuine in it as
well. To
truly develop Hindu groups must cultivate and honor their
intellectual Kshatriya, which not only includes listening to them
but promoting their views and funding their work.
They must stop
hiding in the veil of spirituality and allowing the forces of
adharma to rule the world and even pontificate over their religion,
telling them what it is and what it is worth. In Western intellectual circles the talk today
is of a "clash of civilizations." This is mainly spoken of
as a clash between the West and Islam, or a clash between the West
and Chinese culture. In this clash of world civilizations the Hindu
has been recognized as one of the players but has already been
written off as minor. Why is this the case?
Because the Hindu voice
has only a small place in the world sphere whether politically,
economically or intellectually. Clearly without an intellectual
Kshatriya Hindus will not likely be part of this churning out of a
new world order.There
are those who may fear that an intellectual Hindu Kshatriya may
promote a new Hindu fundamentalism and result in an oppression of
minorities in India. The Hindu Kshatriya tradition is not one of
aggression but of protection, not of forcing conversion to a
religion but upholding the Dharma.