reduce Asuric forces in humanity, therefore, religious
institutionalism must be reduced in favor of individual religious
freedom. The Asuras are usually better outwardly organized than the
Devas, who have to win on an individual level. This makes the task
of the Devas more arduous. Devic
religions recognize the law of karma and rebirth. They regard each
individual as unique, at a different stage of karmic development and
requiring different practices.
For this reason they do not emphasize
a mass teaching or the same belief for everyone. They remain
flexible and do not seek to force people into any particular mold
but, rather, seek to allow the true nature of each person to unfold
from within. Predominant Western religious groups, with few
exceptions, do not recognize the great truths of karma and rebirth.
This makes them more likely to fall under Asuric influences, which
are inflexible and project the same belief and practice for
They postulate some world or bodily
condition as final, generally Heaven for their followers and Hell
for their enemies, which turns anyone who thinks differently about
God or truth into the enemy. They do not honor the individual soul
in others but seek to convert all individuals to their belief, which
is regarded as the absolute truth for everyone. Such missionary
beliefs fail to see the value of the great mystical traditions of
other religions and cast them in a negative light as well. |