Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
The Duality Between the Devas and Asuras

Yet the duality between the Devas and Asuras is not absolute and should not be confused with any simplistic good and evil. The Asuras represent elemental energies and vital passions, the forces of rajas (rajoguna), which have their place in the cosmic order. However these powers of action must be subordinated to the higher laws of the Devas (the forces of mind and spirit) and sattva guna (peace and clarity) for them to function properly.

A Divine or sattvic type of action or rajas must become dominant, absorbing the active force into a higher aspiration, making the Asuras serve the Gods. The Asuras therefore cannot be destroyed but only controlled. To them belongs the underworld, the realm of elemental and vital forces, and the Gods strive to hold them there to do their work. The Asuras, however, in their pride strive to invade the Earth through the underworld and to gain control of humanity.

Because of their restless energy the Asuras can never rest content in their native domain but must ever strive upward until the Gods cast them back down again.The Asuras generally come to power when the Gods become weak. The Gods, being dominated by sattva guna, or peace and happiness, are inclined to become self-content or complacent. They can lose their energy or passion and get caught in the image of their own virtue.

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About Devic And Asuric Forms Of Mysticism
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Introduction Pg3
Asuric Mysticism..Pg1
Asuric Mysticism..Pg2
Asuric Mysticism..Pg3
Asuric Mysticism..Pg4
Asuric Mysticism..Pg5
The Duality..Pg1
The Duality..Pg2
The Duality..Pg3
The Duality..Pg4
Asuric Mysticism..Pg1
Asuric Mysticism..Pg2
Asuric Mysticism..Pg3