and Asuric Mysticism
Mysticism therefore can be divided into two basic types, what can
be called the "light and dark," or "pure and
impure." The first, I would call "Devic mysticism,"
after the term Deva or Godly, which exists for purposes of union
with the Divine or higher Self. It is based upon yogic principles of
truthfulness, non-violence and tolerance and emphasizes yogic
practices of self-control, asceticism and meditation.
It is an internal mysticism that has no external need to convert
the world to a belief. Devic mysticism promotes Devic qualities of
love, peace, selflessness and compassion. The
second could be called "Asuric mysticism," after Asura for
demon, titan or anti god, subtle beings of great pride, ambition and
cunning. Asuric mysticism exists for promoting power or domination
and projects a subtle but powerful ego.
It is mixed with non-yogic values and
practices like intolerance, aggression, and violence. Asuric
mysticism works through Asuric qualities of anger, hatred, pride and
vengeance. Though it may employ internal practices it always has an
external aim to convert, conquer or control the external world. |