this regard Devic and Asuric elements can occur in all forms of
mysticism and in all religions. Generally Devic mysticism requires
more care, selflessness and training both to develop and to sustain.
It is always easy to slip into Asuric states that are very appealing
to the ego. For this reason untrained people who stumble into
spiritual experiences are more likely to fall into Asuric delusions
because they are unprepared to handle the expansion of awareness and
energy that goes along with these states.
But there can be organized forms of Asuric mysticism as well.
Mystical groups employ various methods
to achieve their aim, which are generally ascetic in nature. These
include isolation, fasting, breathing exercises, prayers, mantras
and meditation. Such methods can not only lead to higher states of
consciousness, misdirected they can lead into delusion. They can be
used not only for Devic ends but also for Asuric ends, producing a
highly trained mind but for an egoistic agenda.
There are two basic characteristics
of Asuric mysticism. The first is that it is colored by the ego.
This leads the mystic to think that he has achieved some unique and
special state that no one else has ever attained, that he is God's
chosen spokesman, if not God himself. This can lead to further
delusions that he must found a new religion or save the world - that
he must speak for God and serve as an intermediary between others
and God, who have no hope of salvation without him. He believes that
truth is his sole possession and others must come to him to find
God. |