I was
even once ordained as a Taoist priest. However, my philosophical mind drew me more to
Buddhism and Vedanta. For a while I went back and forth between Buddhist and Vedantic
perspectives. The intellectuality of Buddhism appealed to me, while the idealism of
Vedanta was equally impelling. Buddhist logic had a subtlety
that went beyond words and the Buddhist understanding of the mind had a depth that was
extraordinary, dwarfing that of Western psychology. But Vedanta had a sense of Pure Being
and Consciousness that was more in harmony with my deeper mystical urges. It reflected the
soul and its perennial aspiration for the Divine that seemed obvious to me.
I felt the need of a cosmic creator such as Buddhism did not have. It
was not the old monotheistic tyrant with his heaven and hell, but the wise and loving
Divine Father and Mother, such as in the Hindu figures of Shiva and Parvati. I also found
the existence of the Atman or higher Self to be self-evident. That all is the Self
appeared to be the most self-evident truth of existence.