How I Became A Hindu - My
Discovery of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
He could
reflect what was valuable in western literature and philosophy, while also being a
devastating critic of the western mind and its attachment to outer forms and material
realities. I studied a number of Aurobindos works, notably the Life Divine, which
unraveled all the secrets of the philosophies of India from Vedanta to Samkhya, Yoga and
Tantra. In it I noted the various verses from the Rig Veda that he
used to open the chapters. I found these to be quite profound and mysterious and wanted to
learn more of the Vedas. In looking through the titles of Sri Aurobindo a book called
Hymns to the Mystic Fire, which was hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, struck a cord with my
poetic vision.
It led me to another book Secret of the Veda, which more specifically
explained the Vedic teaching and opened up the Vedic vision for me. Secret of the Veda became a key work in my life, which I read many
times. I remember one particular instance in which I was taking a bus from Colorado to
Canada where I was visiting friends, reading the book late at night. It must have been
spring of 1971. A Vedic epiphany dawned on me.
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