people started the Hindu tradition with the Upanishads and took them as its foundation.
They saw the emergence of the exalted philosophy of Vedanta in the Upanishads and took
that as the essence of the tradition. Following Aurobindo I realized that the
Upanishads were a transitional literature. While they created the basis for what came
later, they also reflected the essence of what was done earlier. While they opened the door forward on the classical Hindu-Buddhist world, they
closed the door backward on the more mysterious Vedic age. I began intensely working
on the early Upanishads, in what eventually became my first published book in India, the
Creative Vision of the Early Upanishads. I correlated various Upanishadic passages that
either quoted from the earlier Vedas or paraphrased them.
I found that many Upanishadic verses came directly from the earlier
Vedas, which most translators and commentators didnt seem to know. The same
verse occurring in the Upanishads would be given a spiritual meaning, while in the Vedas
it was taken as merely ritualistic, if not primitive! I used this Upanishadic usage of
Vedic verses to give an Upanishadic meaning to the Vedic hymns.