teachers approach was highly eclectic. He considered himself to be universal in
views and would take the truth, he said, wherever he found it, which was a compelling
idea. But his approach was tainted with a need to become a guru without ever having
completed the disciplines that he was studying. Eventually he
wrote letters to spiritual organizations all over the world asking them to become his
disciples because he felt that he alone understood how to put all the different traditions
together. Not surprisingly none of them took him up on his offer. This was my first contact with spiritual hubris, which I learned was
not uncommon, particularly among self-proclaimed western gurus.
The spiritual path has a strong appeal not only for the
soul but also for the ego, which can gain its greatest power through it. We can become the
guru and gain an uncritical adulation before we have reached our goal, which then puts an
end to our search. Perhaps being exposed to spiritual egoism at a young age helped me
become aware of the problem and avoid its pitfalls.