How I Became A Hindu - My
Discovery of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
serialized the book first in World Union and later in the Advent, major Sri Aurobindo
Ashram journals from 1980-1984. Later I sent Pandit various chapters of the Shukla Yajur
Veda, which I similarly translated and interpreted in a spiritual (adhyatmic) light. This
he had serialized in Sri Aurobindos Action. Pandit also got my book Creative Vision
of the Early Upanishads published in India. His help was
crucial in establishing my work as a writer in the Vedic field, without which it would
have been probably consigned to my desk Along
with Pandit came the additional gift of the grace of the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo
Ashram. After contacting Pandit I could also feel the Mothers energy and presence
around me.
She was close by and would quickly appear to my inner
vision, guiding me in various ways. Even today I can feel her nearby my consciousness
whenever I think of her. This was not something I cultivated but came of its own accord.
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